Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Backyard Trampoline

When we moved house and we didn't have a pool in our back yard (boo hoo!!) I told the kids I would buy them a trampoline instead. It was however another "flat pack" purchase (boo hoo) so required reinforcements in the way of family members and a BBQ to get our trampoline put together. It was quite a huge job and stretching that mat was nearly an impossible task which required wearing gloves. However after many hours, a few sausages, lamb cutlets and lime tart later we had our trampoline together. The rules were as all the adults had worked to put it together, we all got a go first which we were all a bit nervous about but had the most fun having a jump and falling over. After that we handed over the reins to the kids for their entertainment.

We are having to learn "taking turns" again as with it being so new everyone (that is 2 kids) want to use it at the same time. Sienna told me that she's not an "outdoor girl" anymore (which I always call her because she loves being outside) she's a "jumpoline girl" (she calls the trampoline jumpoline which makes sense when all you do on it is jump). Very pleased with our new outdoor purchase for some fun outdoor activities. A big thanks to all the family for helping us put this together.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear they are sick; its going the rounds again here too :-( and love the round trampolines, they weren't available (or on sale at kmart!) back when we bought ours 7 years ago, and it needs a replacement mat now (kids tell me they aren't game to jump on it anymore!)

    yummy looking bbq!
